Track 4, Practicum 2 - Sexual Temptation, Internet Addiction, and Same-Sex Attraction

Online Workshops | Track 4, Practicum 2 - Sexual Temptation, Internet Addiction, and Same-Sex Attraction

Track 4, Practicum 2 - Sexual Temptation, Internet Addiction, and Same-Sex Attraction

Cost: $15
This particular practicum gives you access to three recordings and to join a live class discussion on February 12, 2018 (accessible online or onsite at the center). (If you miss the February 12 class discussion personally, you will receive the recording of that class.) Two LCBCC counselors will be present in class to interact and discuss real cases to help you learn to implement the materials in your life and ministry. In this particular class, a former counselee who was in a homosexual lifestyle will be joining us to share what specific passages and assignments helped him most in finding freedom. Come ready to learn and ask questions to help you apply.

Dealing with Internet Addiction - 1 session This session seeks to counsel people to use the advancements in digital technology (i.e. smartphones, tablets, internet, social media, etc.) to enhance personal and relational growth instead of distracting from or devalue these.  Our use of digital devices can be bad in two ways: 1) doing wrong on the devices (i.e. pornography, keeping bad company, etc.) or 2) doing acceptable or right things on the devices at wrong times or too often (i.e. social media, texting, researching, business development, and marketing, etc.). Our proclivity to depend on created things like smartphones for help and happiness above our Creator goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. We inevitably create idols in the heart and sinful habits in our life apart from a heart made happy in Christ. The two great commandments, "Love God" and "Love your neighbor", will be the basis for what you will learn in this workshop in counseling those struggling with digital addiction. This counseling approach targets Spirit-wrought heart change and habit change through the use of the Scriptures Counseling the Sexually Tempted - 1 session Half of the Christian men have a problem with pornography and half of the men viewed pornography within one week of attending Christian stadium event.  Even 50 percent of pastors said they viewed porn within the past year.  And women are not immune to the temptations, it is often just more “invisible”.  As many as one in five Christian women use pornography, and at least nine out of ten married women will be attracted to someone who’s not their husband.  This Tuesday night you will learn how to overcome sexual temptation personally and how to help others through Christ-centered, Radical Amputation (Matt 5:27ff), Renewal of the Mind (Rom 12:2), and Radical Replacement (Lk 11:24-26).

Counseling Same-Sex Attraction - 1 session This session addresses the basics in helping those with same-sex attraction. You will learn how to more deeply understand their battle so as not to minimize the struggle and shame they experience. You will learn how to give hope of freedom from sin and shame. Christ alone can rebuild the inner desires of a person through active union with Him. While same-sex attraction may always be present for some of those struggling, it does not have to be active or obtrusive. The desires will weaken over time as the peace and joy of who they are becoming in Christ increases.


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6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
