Online Workshops

*Updated Track 3: Marriage and Family

Online Workshops | *Updated Track 3: Marriage and Family

*Updated Track 3: Marriage and Family

Cost: $0
We have moved the Track 3 online course to our interactive online school site to increase your learning, retention, and application of the material. Please go to the following site to gain access:



Christian Singleness & Dating

There are now more single persons than married in the United States.  Marriage is increasingly less popular and singleness is on the rise. Yet, Scripture teaches that God has only given the call to singleness to some and a person should only pursue singleness for the purpose of undistracted devotion to Christ. These sessions will teach you how to practically live as a Christian single with deep purpose and godly contentment, as well as how to pursue a spouse, biblically (if you don’t have the call to singleness).


Dealing with Loneliness

Seeking a Spouse Biblically


Parenting by Faith: 8 Essentials

Apply the eight essential principles in child training found in God’s Word (Ephesians 6:4).  Walk away with a plan that is both memorable and workable. These sessions are designed to train those needing parental counsel, as well as those interested in providing counseling to parents in need. This training has helped parents reestablish ministry and relationship with their children and teens. No matter what the challenge, there are answers in the Bible for your child-training problems.



Vertical Goals

Prayerful Dependence

Close Companionship

Godly Example

Structured Environment

Everyday Conversation

Consistent Consequences

Gentle Correction


Unity in Marriage: 2 Becoming 1

In these workshops you will be taught the same key insights that have been used by God at the Center to restore the love and teamwork of many marriages.  The soil of your marriage will be saturated with biblical insights and practical tools that can revitalize your own marriage and, at the same time, enhance your ability to intensively disciple those in need of marital help.  Couple’s who attend often give testimony like the following, “We could not believe how deeply the Holy Spirit spoke to our hearts about changes we needed to make … we were forever impacted.”



The Cause of Conflict & the Call to Oneness

Faith-motivated, Unity-preserving Love in Marriage

Confession & Forgiveness of Sin

Five-Rules of Communication

Discovering God’s Purposes for Marriage

Clarity on Husband & Wife Roles

Delighting in Differences

Managing Family Responsibilities

Ten Hindrances to Sexual Satisfaction

“Leaving and Cleaving”  

How the Love of Money Destroys Relationships

Financial Agreement & Teamwork


Divorce & Remarriage

Are you considering divorce? Are you already divorced? Are you seeking to provide biblical counseling and support for those in potential or actual divorce?  If so, these sessions will help you get clear answers from God's Word so that you have His light to guide and His Spirit to empower.



Biblical Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage

Before You Say “I Quit”

Rebuilding After Divorce

Overcoming Shame, Despair, Bitterness, Anger and Loneliness


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6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
