September 13
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM


3 Courses in One!


Sign up for what is best for your schedule 

1) The Essentials in BC 2) The Elements in BC

3) The Emotions in BC



This training is certified by ACBC and IABC and is for those seeking personal change or seeking to develop their skills in intensive discipleship and biblical ministry in the lives of others. You can sign up for any or all of the three courses within “Change That Sticks!” - each comes with a student manual that will equip you in the essentials of Biblical change and counseling for your own personal growth or in helping others.  All Christians know how to gain forgiveness in Christ, yet, too few Christians are not clear on how to gain progressive change in Christ - changes in Anger, Bitterness, Anxiety, Shame & Depression, Conflict etc. This course will teach you the most important concepts involved in biblical change and counseling and help you apply trusted and tested strategies and assignments in your life and ministry.

Come to any section or any session below depending on your schedule and interests.

Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30pm at LCBCC

Section 1 - The Essentials in B.C. (2 Week Course) - Register for $28
What is Biblical Counseling and Whose Job is it? (9/13)
Scripture Has the Answers (9/13)
Can a Person Really Change (9/20)
The Nuts & Bolts of Biblical Change (9/20)

Section 2 - The Elements in B.C. (4 Week Course) - Register for $58
Building the Relationship (9/27)
Collecting Needed Information (9/27)
Inspiring Biblical Hope (10/4)
Exposing Root Problems (10/4 & 10/11)
Discovering God’s Solution (10/11)
Developing a Plan of Change (10/18)
Calling for a Commitment (10/18)


Section 3 - The Emotions in B.C. (4 Week Course) - Register for $58
Anger: Its Causes & Cures (10/25)
Depression: Avoiding Despair in Difficult Times (11/1)
Fear, Anxiety, and Worry Don’t Have to Control You (11/8)
Overcoming Bitterness (11/15)
Dealing with Guilt & Shame (11/15)
Register for the entire 10 week course - $140


Register for any individual session - $15


Register as a couple - $200


Any classes missed available on our website at no additional charge.


This is an ACBC certified course and part of our certificate program (more info)

Whether you struggle with any of the topics covered or desire to counsel others who do, you will be deeply impacted by the power of the Word and receive practical tools and spiritual insights to free the captives.  


Rediscovering Biblical Counseling & Change

What is Biblical Counseling and Whose Job is it?
Historically, the Puritans were the first Protestant school of Biblical Counseling (16th–18th century movement in both Old and New England). Puritan pastors were thought of as physicians of the soul. Yet, currently, psychology is the cultural, social and often evangelical authority on the care of souls. Yet, a wide-spread rediscovery of Biblical Counseling began in earnest in the 1970 and continues as the church is awakening to this aspect of her calling. Come learn more about this rediscovery.

Does Scripture Have the Answers?
God's Word claims sufficiency in equipping a believer in the ministry of changing lives (2 Tim 3:16-17). The Scripture sufficiently teaches us the standard; the Scripture sufficiently reproves and corrects us by telling us were we are wrong and what right thoughts and actions must replace the wrong. The Scripture also sufficiently trains us by motivating us to continue in those right thoughts and actions until godly habits reshape who we are.

Sanctification: Can a Person Really Change?
“Sanctification is a progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our actual lives.” – Wayne Grudem in his Systematic Theology. Sanctification is the most important work going on in your life each day. Being perfected in the character, attitude, and virtue of the indwelling Christ is the greatest good you will ever attain - even more valuable than having better circumstances. All circumstantial challenges are God-ordained opportunities for you to grow in sanctification and manifest Christ more fully. But this requires your cooperation with the work of God's grace in you. You must supply the effort as God supplies the energy. But this requires that you first have the power of Spirit in your life. That power begins with regeneration and justification through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sanctification is the fruit of walking in the fullness of regeneration and justification. Many Christians are confused about all of this, but without clarity and application of this biblical teaching, there will be no progressive biblical transformation in our lives. Indeed, this it is the most important doctrine to understand if you are seeking change or seeking to counseling people in need of change.

How to Change Specifically – How Can a Person Really Change!
Biblical sanctification and change requires a great expenditure of energy and a great amount of prayerful meditation. Here are three questions. What specific biblical thoughts should you meditate on next time you are tempted to sin? (2 Cor 10:5; 2 Cor 3:18) Are you becoming familiar with these truths through daily times of prayerful memorization and meditation? (Ps 19:14; Ps 1; Josh 1:8) When the temptation/trial came, did you replace the temptation/trial by recalling to mind one or more of these new thoughts? (James 1:25; Ps 16:8; Eph 6:17; Rom 8:12-13)

Seven Biblical Elements in Counseling

Building the Relationship 
This session focuses on the characteristics of Christ’s and Paul’s ministries to hurting people and how we can follow their examples. You will learn key practices of compassion, prayer, communication, and listening skills.

Collecting Needed Information
You can’t minister the Word of God to a person and their problem sufficiently unless you know what is going on in key areas of their life sufficiently. Their are seven areas that must be investigate: the Physical; the Relational & Resources; the Emotional; the Actions; the Concepts; the Heart; and the Historical - PREACHH). Don’t short cut this process or you risk the danger of causing the Word of God to look deficient or shallow in handling the problems of a person's life.

Inspiring Biblical Hope
Biblical hope, along with faith and love, are emphasized in the New Testament as primary motivators in the Christian life. (Primary motivators control a person's responses to present challenges, relationships and responsibilities. As we give biblical hope we must avoid hope-destroying tendencies like minimize sin and responsibility, giving “support” or mere sympathy, unbiblical labels and terms, victim-mentality and blame-shifting.

Exposing Root Problems - "What's My Problem, Why Do I Struggle?"
Man’s most basic problem is not the problems that “happen” to him, nor even his sinful actions and thoughts. The most basic problem that must be understood and corrected in every man is the motivation of his heart. The Bible says from birth man is born with a sinful nature, a selfish and self-exalting disposition, separated from and blind to God. Real change occurs when man is spiritually convicted that his heart motivation is not right before God and in need of real change.

Discovering God’s Remedy to your Problem – The Put On, Put Off Dynamic of Real Change
Most Christians don’t change because even when they know generally what scripture is telling them to do, they don’t get specific on it! Scripture is specific about changing our attitudes and desires of our hearts. In this session you will learn about these changes and how the Holy Spirit regenerates and renews the heart through the study of the Word.

Developing a Plan of Change and Assigning Effective Homework
A key aspect to biblical change is assigning homework that is 1) Biblical (i.e. stems from Scriptural principle or precept), 2) Spiritual (i.e. requires faith and dependency upon Christ), and 3) Practical (i.e. relates with their their need or change in their daily life and challenges). Every student in "Change that Sticks" will receive over 100 such assignment that can be used to help people change. Some of these focus on thought-change, some on action-change. As these assignments are completed, developing dependence upon Christ and fellowship in a biblical local body of Christ is foundational. (Matt 28:18-20)

How to Continue in the Commitment and Effort in the Process of Change
This session will focus on how to call a counselee to commit to the effort necessary to change and how to deal biblically with resistance. “And we urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all men.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:14

Five Common Emotions

Anger: It's Causes & Cures
Is your anger biblical or sinful? Is your anger justified by scripture? What is your motivation for this anger? How are you expressing your anger? Learn how to identify sinful anger and how to transform the heart behind sinful anger. And finally, learn how to use anger-provoking situations for good and growth. God has answers, the Bible provides the directions! 

Depression: Avoiding Despair in Difficult Times
In this session, you will learn factors that contribute and may even cause a despairing perspective and how to help a depressed person biblically. You will learn about the downward spiral of depression and the tools to stop that spiral by faith-motivated perspectives and actions.

Fear, Anxiety, and Worry Don’t Have to Control You
Sinful fear is believing something to be more dangerous and powerful than God. Worry is pondering on that which you fear with the primary purpose of avoiding pain. Finally, anxiety is the physical result of consistent worry. In this session you will learn how to overcome all three through biblical faith and action.

Overcoming Bitterness by Learning to Forgive
God’s forgiveness of us is the basis of our forgiveness of others. When we don’t forgive others we harbor bitterness and anger against them. In this session, you will learn steps that lead to true forgiveness and ways to overcome resentment.

Dealing with Guilt & Shame
The conscience is a moral program that God placed in our heart! However, the conscience can be misled through our culture and personal practices. A person’s conscience may be over-sensitive or insensitive! In this session you will learn how to clear a misguided or guilty conscience. You will learn about the true understanding of confession and repentance.


6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
