Protecting Our Kids from the Culture—Can We or Should We?

Author: Sherry Allchin
March 10, 2016

Culture is just a set of rules, beliefs, values and customs that are transmitted through language, objects, rituals, institutions, and art from one generation to another. Culture in and of itself is not bad or good, but it does set one group apart from another. So the conclusion is that we all teach culture to our children, either the world’s culture or God’s culture, intentional or inadvertently.

We can’t protect our kids from culture because culture reigns in our hearts! There have always been both good culture and bad cultures producing either good fruit or bad fruit (Mt 7:16-18, Mt 12:35).

We must then direct them as best as we can to a culture that values the eternal, that lays up treasure in heaven, that lives for God, loving and serving Him and others, a culture that points both our hearts and others toward the Lord, glorifying Him in all we do and say. 

As God-fearing parents, we want to help our children accept our culture of Faith, to build a solid foundation that will stand against the contemporary cultures of Humanism, Evolution, Post-modernism, Atheism, etc.

We want to use the culture (arts, beliefs and values, language) to develop and mature Faith that will stand against the tide of ungodliness.

Here are some resources for parents to help us think about intentionally building a 2 Tim 3:14-17 culture with our children to help them thrive against a 2 Tim 3:1-8, 13 culture.

Online Protections:

1. Protecting Your Family

2. Teen Pornography Statistics 

3. Kids and Pornography

Parenting Help:

1. Godly Moms

2. Godly Parenting in a Structured Environment

3. Biblical Character

4. Bad Words

5. Appreciate Each Child

6. Behavior Goals

7. Spanking

Evaluate Their Friendships:

1. Choose Friends Wisely

2. Quality Friendships

3. Evil Companions

Sexual Issues:

1. Preventing Abuse

2. Sexual Abuse Engagement List

3. Strange Woman

Wisdom and Character:

1. Characteristics of the Fool and the Wise

2. Answering a Foolish Child


6435 Fain St, # A | North Charleston, SC 29406
